Market a Self-Published Book Without Breaking the Bank

market your self-published book without breaking the bank

Marketing Your Book Without Breaking the Bank: 
Strategies That Work

Are you an author whose lack of marketing budget is limiting the success of your self-published books?

You’re not alone. Many authors, especially those new to the low cost publishing game, face the challenge of getting their book noticed in a sea of titles.

Luckily, if you want to spread the word about your book, there are some powerful strategies that will help you reach your target audience and market your book without breaking the bank. 

By utilising these creative and cost-effective tactics, you can dramatically increase your chances of success on your self-publishing journey. So, let’s dive in.

Pre-Launch Strategies

Build a Brand Around Your Book

As more and more books, both traditionally and self-published, are released on Amazon and other retailers, establishing a strong brand identity becomes increasingly crucial for your book’s success. Building a brand identity for your book goes beyond just the story itself, and includes elements like:

  • Cover Design: A professionally designed cover is essential to grab attention and visually represent your book’s genre and tone. You can make a spectacular one on Canva by using one of their free templates and customizing it.
  • Tagline: Craft a catchy tagline that captures the essence of your book in a few memorable words.
  • Author Platform: Build an online presence through a visually appealing and informative author website or blog. Share insights, excerpts, or behind-the-scenes glimpses to connect with readers and establish yourself as an authority in your genre.

Leverage social media platforms strategically, optimizing your content to each platform and engaging with potential readers. 

Don’t underestimate the power of networking with other authors and readers in relevant online communities. These connections can bring about valuable support and generate organic pre-launch buzz, all without a significant financial investment.

By investing time and effort in crafting a compelling brand, you’ll lay a strong foundation for your low-cost publishing journey, setting the stage for successful marketing and reader engagement.

Build an Email List

A critical piece of self publishing advice is to start an author newsletter, which is a very low-cost way to connect directly with potential readers.

With an email list, you can share updates, announce new releases, upcoming events, and exclusive offers. It is also a great method to generate excitement through personalised messages and solicit feedback. Direct the readers to your book’s purchase link on the platform where you have your books.

To convince people to sign up, authors often offer free excerpts, bonus chapters, or deleted scenes in return for the reader’s email address.

Effective email marketing requires:

  • Segmentation: Categorize your list based on interests for targeted campaigns.
  • Regular communication: Maintain a consistent yet non-intrusive frequency.
  • Personalisation: Address readers by name and tailor content to their preferences.
  • Compelling subject lines: Grab attention and encourage readers to open your emails.

By nurturing your email list, you build a loyal community vital for the success of your self-published books. You also own the list, so even if one of your platforms stops working – if Amazon shuts down, or Facebook blows up – you can still contact your readers directly.

This one fact alone makes building your mailing list an absolute no-brainer.

Launch Strategies

Collaborate with Influencers

I know, I know, this sounds expensive, but collaborating with influencers doesn’t have to mean paying hefty fees. Here are some clever ways to connect and build buzz:

  • Identify micro-influencers: These are individuals on social media or within your genre’s online communities who have a smaller but highly engaged following. They’re often more receptive to self-published authors offering free or discounted copies in exchange for an honest review.
  • Offer value beyond the book: Engage with influencers on social media, providing insights or expertise related to your book’s theme. This establishes you as an authority and increases their willingness to connect with your work.
  • Participate in online discussions: Join relevant forums, Facebook groups, and online communities. Share your knowledge, engage in meaningful conversations, and build relationships with potential readers and influencers organically. 

As with anything in self-publishing, I believe that building genuine connections and offering value are key. We go into this concept in more detail in our Bookstrapping self-publishing course, in our lessons about ‘The Bank of Goodwill.’

Use Book Reviews

Getting solid and proper reviews for your book is a cornerstone strategy to help build sales of your self-published books. Not only do they provide social proof on your book’s listing page, they also help with search engine optimisation, making it more likely that your book will rank higher in the Amazon search results. 

The problem is that getting readers to leave reviews can sometimes feel like getting blood from a stone!

New authors are often tempted to start with their inner circle, and so ask friends and family for early reads and reviews. 


Amazon’s algorithm is a complicated beast, and this one mistake can torpedo a book’s chances of success. We go into more detail in the Bookstrapping course, but for now, just take my word for it and don’t do it!

Instead, try reaching out to book bloggers and review sites in your genre. Offer a free copy in exchange for a thoughtful review, and throw in some exclusive bonus content, like an interview or blog post. Again, it’s about building relationships in order to promote not just this book, but all the other stories you might want to self-publish in the future.

And when you do get some reviews, share positive feedback strategically on your website, social media, and Amazon product page. It’s not only an easy win in terms of content for Facebook, Instagram, etc, but it helps build trust and credibility for potential readers.

book groups and other communities can help grow your self-publishing career

Post-Launch Strategies

Community Engagement

In his Bookstrapping course, multi-million selling author, JD Kirk, puts much of his success down to the community of readers he has built around his books, and you can do the same.

Build a reader group on social media or your author newsletter, and actively engage with your readers. Participate in relevant forums, Facebook groups, and online discussions related to your genre. Share your knowledge, engage in meaningful conversations, and build relationships with other authors and readers.

This constant engagement brings forth a sense of community and allows you to organically connect with potential readers without significant financial investment.

Consider collaborating with other authors for cross-promotion opportunities, such as guest blog posts, social media mentions, or joint giveaways. This low cost publishing strategy can significantly increase your reach and visibility within the literary community.

Offline, try approaching libraries in your area asn ask them to host book signings or readings, allowing you to connect with potential readers face-to-face. This personal touch can leave a lasting impression and build excitement for your book. And, it’s more great content for your social media pages or newsletter, so you’re killing two birds with one stone!

Run Competitions and Giveaways

When you publish a book for free or at low cost, it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to generate excitement and thrill among readers. Hosting giveaways and contests are some low cost ways to get the buzz going.

Tailor your contests to your book’s theme. For instance, you could hold a book review contest, encouraging thorough and thoughtful reviews (just be careful of breaching any Amazon terms and conditions!) 

Or, if your book is fantasy, you could host a fan art contest, inviting readers to showcase their artistic interpretations. These creative activities not only generate excitement, but also allow potential readers to engage with your book in a unique way.

Remember to establish clear contest guidelines and deadlines. Promote your contest across various platforms, including your website, social media, and relevant online communities. By offering exciting rewards, like signed copies, free vouchers, or merchandise related to your book, you can effectively attract new readers and generate interest in your book.

Market Sustainably

The path to success in low cost publishing isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. While launching your book is exciting, remember that consistent marketing efforts are key to long-term visibility and reader engagement.

If you implement these cost-effective strategies, you’ll have built a strong foundation for your self-publishing journey. 

Keep nurturing relationships with readers, engaging with online communities, and exploring new low-cost marketing opportunities. By staying dedicated and resourceful, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your self-publishing goals.

Want to Learn More?

Enrol in JD Kirk’s Bookstrapping Course, which guides authors step-by-step through the process of creating and self-publishing a book on Amazon, from concept to marketing, without spending any money.

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